Information Security Policy

Yayın Tarihi 15.05.2017

Revizyon Tarihi 
Revizyon No 00

ARSAN KAUÇUK PLASTİK MAKİNA SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş, ARSAN KAUÇUK İÇ VE DIŞ TİCARET A.Ş. It attaches great importance to information security in order to increase its corporate reputation with its information security management system, and to protect its stakeholders' important and/or sensitive information as well as its own business continuity. Within the scope of its activities, it adopts and manages the following issues in accordance with the Information Security Management System (ISMS):


  • To secure information by ensuring the accessibility, integrity and confidentiality of all kinds of information required in our activities.
  • To ensure the continuous improvement of the compliance and efficiency of the system by complying with the information security management system requirements, national and international legal requirements and regulations.
  • Ensuring that all employees contribute to information security by increasing the knowledge and competencies of the employees of the institution,
  • To protect the information of themselves and their stakeholders by raising awareness of employees, customers and third parties about information security.
  • Creating business continuity plans, taking proactive measures by making risk analyzes against changing and developing information security threats.
  • To create appropriate physical and electronic environments for the security of information assets and to record security violations and to ensure that violations are detected in a timely manner and to be eliminated by intervening.


All employees and suppliers of the institution are obliged to act in accordance with the Information Security Management System policies, procedures and controls and to fulfill the responsibilities defined for them.


The senior management is responsible for updating the ISMS policy to adapt to changing conditions and ensuring that this policy is known, understood and fully implemented at all levels within the company and that all employees comply with this policy.


     Kâmil Berat ÖZTİMUR / Chairman of Board